It's a kind of interesting inversion of enlightenment thought or even premodern religion. In these frameworks, the real goal of human life is to know the Truth. But then it turns out that we're dealing with The Real, which is per definition the last thing you ever want to know. You don't want to engage with truth, you want to engage with anything else than that. But that is itself a truth, unless it isn't and then it's nothing. I get that Lacan had a differentiation of truth and the Real which i appreciate you clearifying, but not having read Lacan, I see that this is an idea with entropic potential. Just the very notion of a void horror that everything we believe, we construct in order not to face it because it is a concept outside Lacan's head and writing. The truth that we'll never know truth, but there's still this thing invisible and unknowing to us that may fuck us up or even do something beyond fucking us up that is actually true or Real, while everything we construct is some kind of lie... Such an idea cannot help but destabilise any idea of truth outside of the truth of the Real. It's also lovecraftian and probably an idea others have concieved of independently or incrementally from Lacan. We found out that watching shadows on a cave wall is all we'll ever know, so why not making the most entertaining controlled emotional rollercoaster of a psychologically engineered attention grapping shadow-playing wall the universe have ever known? That's our fate it seems. We left nature, then we left tradition. Leaving our bodies must be the next increment in our journey further into the cave, into the screen. And yet I've looked at this screen all day, just as I did yesterday. I've been doing this for years, a decade even. I clearly want this and I've stopped pretending I don't. Mostly to take me away from my reality. Not even necessarily to distract myself anymore, more like I'd rather live in that version of a controlled environment than the physical controlled environment around me. No one is visibly judging me on the internet that I cannot just block or ignore. No one is spreading rumours or causing social drama that I have to be part of, instead all the fattest rumours and social drama in the world is available to me as a detached spectator consuming it. There is no anxiety to overcome, no ocd making every single one of my interactions with all other physical surfaces a complicated matter of trying to bargain with this compulsivity to make it through the day. The stimulus can make me go a day without eating without realising I feel hunger. It offers me the tools to create whatever I ever wanted. It mines me for data and I fetiscise the attention the implicit survilience brings, like an adolescent growing up in a cult may come to fetischise the penetrating omniscient gaze of God in place of repressed sexuality. It offers me music that expresses exactly the paranoia and depression I feel so that I can become comfortable feeling those things. It's a hell of a drug and it is replacing the outside world. And I feel fine. Postulating anything else is like telling a person in the bronze age that they should reduce their civilisation-time and go out in a nature that they've already burned in order to make room for agriculture. This is the world now, this is what matters, as the old world is withering away and will be largely forgotten. The physical world is a ressource that is to be exploited and monetized. The only value it has is what it can do to fuel the machine. Ecosystems are only conserved or restored for the services and functions they provide to society. They are dead things, they are objects, just like us. I'm an object, I've been exploited and monetized my whole life and I've grown to like being this thing as it's the only thing I know and is familiar with. I love being an object. I love having pieces of my mind shredded slowly. If I convince someone to stop, then another one (ie. you have not already been throughoutly saturated at this point, but still are hungry for more like an infinite black hole) will step into their place to do just as they did. It's spiritual to me, it's corporeal to me. It's the samsara I inhabit and the nirvana that I've gained access to by not desiring anything else. It's trancendent. It makes me feel like I don't have to be a guy but something else, whatever that is at the moment. ok.

(this is the sane option btw)